Monday, April 22, 2013


I had a awesome day got to hang out with my boyfriend and my other best friend Ashley and we went to the park. Afterwards Ashley came back to my house and hung out with me, we watched paranormal activity 1 and we also watched The Twilight Saga-Eclipse which was awesome because we got to see Sexy Taylor Lautner and it was cool so that was pretty much my day and i wanted to share it so i hope you guys had a awesome day to <3 also please leave comments i would really appreciate it and see how your life is different then mine k bye loves

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Down and up like a rollercoaster

My week has been down and up good and bad, I don't know how to put it my friends being harassed and bullied and for the one that hasn't I'm not sure what there going through and I'm not sure how to help them. Other then that my weeks been good, going on Dates with my boyfriend Matt hes so sweet and i would never want to leave him ever. I feel really bad for Tricia her boyfriend broke up with her and then called her a douche how wrong is that, and then Skyler broke up with her boyfriend and she's trying to hook up with this boy Carlos that likes her also......GOD CARLOS JUST ASK HER OUT. but other then all that drama i have been pretty good :-)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

toughen up

Okay right nownim pissed because two of my friends have been being harassed by a boy named TYLER CROUTHAMEL and now there feeling unwanted. But as sure as hell they are wanted.........BY ME!!!!!!! LOL but there to important to me and i would never wanna losse them!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I understand that I am in love with one person which really excites me a lot out of my mind.......But I am also scared to death of lossing him.It makes me laugh when hes funny and stupid and always forgivable who would ever wanna losse that???? I know for sure I wouldn't